

About Us

Troop 119 was formed in 1992 in Mandeville and is chartered by St Timothy's On the Northshore United Methodist Church.   The Troop meets on Tuesday nights, 7:00 - 8:15 pm. Troop 119 is part of the Nashoba District of the Istrouma Area Council and serves boys ages 11-17 in the Mandeville, Louisiana, area.  We strive to have an outdoor activity once a month with several high adventure activities for older Scouts (14+) each year.

We work to help young men make the journey to Eagle Scout and give them opportunities to learn life skills.

- We try to not go back to the same campsite for at least 3 years (except for the annual District events: Webelos Woods and Camporee)
- We are on about a 7 year Summer Camp rotation, which means rarely do we go to the same Summer camp more than once in 7 years.
- We take at least one canoe trip a year and seek to have all Scouts earn the canoeing merit badge.
- Like most Boy Scout Troops, we send crews to the National High Adventure bases (Northern Tier, Philmont, Sea Base, and the Summit).
- Most of our Scouts leave the Troop at age 18 with over 100 nights of camping and numerous experiences hiking, backpacking, canoeing, and learning life skills.